Jetprime is a Modena-based company...
founded in 2002 which combines the ideas and the entrepreneurial spirit of Marco Diazzi.
The company, since its early years, specializes in the development of special parts for racing and road bikes, offering the market innovative products for electronic management of the fuel injection and other components to improve the performance of all bikes and the most popular scooters present on the market.
Jetprime was founded with the intention of offering...
an increasingly qualified service which meets the expectations of a dynamic market, offering a wide range of products with high technological content.
The constant search for quality has brought Jetprime to a continuous and progressive improvement, and today, thanks to the considerable investments in equipment and technologies, it is able to offer a complete 360 °service, from the project to the prototype using 3D printers, up to the realization of the component with 3,4 and 5-axis CNC machines. All "In House" without relying on any external structure except for galvanic treatments.
Jetprime inside the structure finally...
has a state of the art fluxing room and bench tests everything it produces. This production cycle guarantees the customers who turn to Jetprime as a contractor of customized projects the maximum transparency and absolute confidentiality, as the production remains within the company until the delivery of the finished and tested part.
For years, some of the best Teams engaged in major National and World competitions choose Jetprime as their technical supplier for the development of their engines and as a supplier of special components.